Contact Us

If you have questions or need help with our website, please contact us and we will be happy to assist. Our normal response time is currently 1-2 business days.


How can I request updates to a business listing if I am the business owner?

If you are the business owner of a specific listing and want certain information updated, please fill out the contact us form or email us at and provide details on the business name and the details you would like updated.

My business is not listed. How can I request that my business be listed?

If your business is not yet listed, please click on the SUBMIT MY BUSINESS link on the navigation and fill out the form. Once we receive your submission, someone in our team will review it and upload it to the directoy.

Can I claim my business to make updates to the business page on my own?

Currently we are not offering this option but we hope to expand it so business owners in the Cane Bay area can claim and manage their own business.