My small CPA business began in 2005 assisting clients with individual and business tax preparation. My goal was to focus my practice on small business owners and individuals, especially those preparing for the transition to retirement or a change in…
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Artisan/Hand Made
Business offering handmade/artisan products as well as crafts style

Auto Services
Auto Detailing / Auto Shos / Auto Tinting Services

Carpet Cleaning
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Child Services
Business offering services for children such as baby sitting and child care

Churches and religious gathering places

Cleaning Services
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Business offering classes or educational services

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Event Planning
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Event Rentals
Business offering event rentals such as bounce houses, water slides and more!

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Finance & Insurance
Businesses offering financial and insurance services

Firearms Services
Business providing firearms services

Business offering fitness services such as personal training and workout facilities

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Food Trucks
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Golf Carts
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Heating & Air
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Home Improvement
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Home Inspections
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Lawyers / Law Firms
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Businesses offering moving services

Businesses/Individuals offering notary services

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Personal Care
Find business providing personal care services. From beauty to nail salons and everything in between.

Pest Control
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Pet Services
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Find businesses and individuals offering photography services.

Pools & Spas
Business offering pool services from construction to maintenance.

Pressure Cleaning
Find businesses providing pressure cleaning services in the Cane Bay Area. Find everything from residential to commercial pressure cleaning.

Professional Services
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Real Estate
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Repairs & Maintenance
Business offering handyman, repair and maintenance services.

Find businesses providing roofing services. Find reputable businesses for all your roofing needs.

Businesses selling non artisan products

Signage & Lights
Find businesses providing yard signage for birthdays, graduations and all special events as well as business to install Christmas lights and other festive lighting services.

Tax Services
Businesses/Individuals providing tax services

Businesses offering IT services such as tech support, phone repairs and computer repairs.

Travel & Transportation
Business offering travel and transportation services